Shuangyu Road Leshang Pioneer Prak
Yueqing Bay Area Yueqing City Zhejiang Province 325600 China

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Category Contacor





空调专用接触器 规格:1N、1P、 1X、2X、3X、4X (20~40A)3X(50~60A、 75~90A) 产品优势:产品通过UL认证和TUV 、CCC认证,大触点设计,电寿命可达25万次,机械寿命100万次,性能稳定,安装方便,安全耐用

Introduction to Hongli Electric

Taking the pursuit of customer satisfaction as the business purpose, vigorously carry out management innovation and technological innovation; the company strictly controls product quality, wins praise from customers with high-quality products, reasonable prices and good reputation, and provides timely, thoughtful and satisfactory products and services for domestic and foreign customers , Grow together with customers

Introduction of Hongli Electric Co., Ltd

Taking the pursuit of customer satisfaction as the business purpose, vigorously carry out management innovation and technological innovation; the company strictly controls product quality, wins praise from customers with high-quality products, reasonable prices and good reputation, and provides timely, thoughtful and satisfactory products and services for domestic and foreign customers , Grow together with customers


尊敬的各位先生/女士:      您好!感谢您一直以来对宏立电器的关心与支持,我们将参加第十一届中国热泵展”(以下简称“中国热泵展”),现诚邀您莅临参观及业务交流,我们期待您的到来! 展会时间:2021年4月25日 —4月27日展会地点:上海光大展览中心上海光大会展中心 展位号:B247 中国热泵展创始于2010年,是目前国内热泵行业影响力最大的专业展览会!展品范围涵盖以各类热泵为热源的热水、供暖、舒适系统、烘干、工业特种应用等多个尖端领域,以及太阳能、壁挂炉、电采暖等多个清洁采暖相关产业。 未来,各类热泵技术在民用生活热水和供暖领域、商用热水及冷暖领域、工农业烘干及保存领域、农业和畜牧业恒温养殖领域、工业高温加工领域、冷冻冷藏恒温保存领域等等,都将有广阔的市场空间! 热泵烘干和干燥技术也将是2021年展会着力开拓和打造的新品类。 2021中国热泵展也着力拓展如直热/蓄热电暖气、电锅炉、生物质锅炉、燃气锅炉、壁挂炉、太阳能、水/地源热、地热井改造设备等新品类。 2021中国热泵展,面积更大,展商更多,展品更全。着力打造热泵产业向全国乃至全世界进行展示和宣传的最前沿平台! Hongli Electric Co.,Ltd 宏立电器有限公司


压缩机启动后,继电器线圈两端的电压随着压缩机电机转速的增大而增加。当 电机的转速达到额定转速的70%~80%时,线圈上的电压使之产生电磁力吸引衔铁,使常闭触点断开,启动电容失去作用;当压缩机断电时,常闭触点在弹簧的作用下自动闭合,为压缩机的再启动作好准备


HONGLI ELECTRIC-SERVICE FOR GLOBAL CUSTOMERS Hongli Electric Co., Ltd. has been a professional manufacturer of contactors, AC contactors, DP contactors, light contactors, magnetic contactors, power relays, potential relays, switching relays and transformers, disconnect boxes, enclosure boxes, whips, and Master Distributor…

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